
Délifrance Innovates with a New Lotus Biscoff Muffin Recipe

In the ever-evolving world of snacking, Délifrance has made a move that's sure to please sweet-toothed consumers across France and Europe. The subsidiary of the Vivescia cooperative group has introduced an indulgent new offering to its lineup: a Lotus Biscoff-filled muffin.

A Sweet Fusion: American Snacking Meets European Flavor

It's no secret that the French have a penchant for American-style pastries, with studies indicating a majority of snack choices lean towards the sweet treats from across the Atlantic. Addressing this trend, the new 110g muffin marries the beloved texture of a soft, fluffy American pastry with the classic European Spéculoos flavor, courtesy of the popular Lotus Biscoff brand.

Embracing the Spéculoos Sensation

Lotus Biscoff consistently ranks among the top 20 biscuit brands favored in France, as per a recent Statista survey. Its distinctive Spéculoos taste has garnered a following among all age groups, making it a strategic choice for Délifrance's latest product innovation.

Convenience Meets Craftsmanship

Produced in the Délifrance factory located in Theix, Brittany, the new muffin is not only a treat for the palate but also a boon for food service professionals. Unlike traditional pastries that demand intricate preparation and finishing touches, this muffin offers the ease of rapid preparation without sacrificing quality – a key selling point for busy bakeries and eateries.

Florence Neveux, Délifrance's Marketing Director for France, puts it succinctly: "In the sweet snacking market, it's essential to strike the perfect balance between the longing for a taste of the exotic and the pursuit of sheer pleasure. Our Lotus Biscoff Spéculoos muffin ticks all the boxes to charm our clientele."

Ready for the Spotlight

The muffin is set to be distributed not only in France but across Europe, presented in a Lotus-branded tulip wrapper. It's paired with eye-catching promotional visuals to capture the attention of customers in food service outlets and traditional bakeries alike.

As the landscape of quick and delicious snacks continues to expand, Délifrance's latest product is poised to become a new favorite among those looking for a gourmet treat on the go.